By Kay Fitz on Nov 04 2011
Category: Moving Tips

Reduce Headache by Planning and Packing in Advance

Moving can be quite a hassle. Aside from the discomfort of leaving the place you have come to call home, trying to organize all of your belongings in an efficient way and finding a new place for all of your things can be a bit overwhelming.

To prevent the discomfort of last-minute logistics, you want to plan every detail of your move out in advance. What route are you going to take from point A to point B? If you’re using storage (i.e., moving point A to point B to point C), you want to be smart about choosing the right location. Pick a place that is safe, reliable, and fairly priced, of course, but also consider convenience for your move. For example, many self-storage facilities are located along major highways, which would allow a customer or mover to get in and out quickly without wasting precious time.

Related: 5 Tips for Finding Affordable Storage

Once you’ve done the legwork of locating a convenient storage area for your belongings, give yourself peace of mind by taking the time to properly pack your belongings. Here are some important packing tips:

  1. Investigate the storage size. Sometimes people get a different perspective of how big or small an area really is by only reading the measurements from the website. Envision your belongings not as they are in your home right now, but as they will be once they’re disassembled and stacked in boxes (always dismantle bulky items as this will help with storage organization and any space issues you might encounter).
  2. Buy top quality packing supplies designed specifically for moving. Check and see if your storage facility sells packing supplies, or purchase through general retailers or the local postal service. Select quality boxes that are, for the most part, all the same size. This will help with stacking and organization.
  3. Have another look at the types of services you’ll have access to. Will handcarts be available? Is there truck availability? Will you have 24-hour access to your belongings once they’re stored?
  4. Make sure everything is clean and in good condition before placing it in storage. For example, garden tools should be clean and dry so that when spring rolls around you’ll be able to use your equipment with no problems.
  5. Even climate-controlled units may not provide the temperature control you need. In colder climates, cotton or wool blankets might provide the extra insulation needed.

With these tips, and with the help of, your next moving experience should be somewhat less of a pain. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to get everything in order; nothing ruins this process more than rushing through it in a mad panic. Keep cool, calm, and collected and you will see that relocating isn’t quite as bad as you may have originally thought.

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